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Welcome to our new website. Please pardon our dust while we adapt to better serve you. During this transition phase, some products or product categories may be unavailable. We apologize if the product you are looking for is currently not on our website. If that is the case, please contact us at for a prompt quote. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

MiniBIS Pro 16mm
The MiniBIS Pro features: Dark chamber; D-Transilluminator with dual UV/WL illumination (312nm bulbs + WL bulbs) and 2 interchangeable UV and WL ...
Precellys 24
Fast, easy and efficient
Typical homogenization time is 30 seconds for a large majority of samples. Nucleic acid or proteins are separated fr...

RBC Rapid Ligation Kit
Specification: 100 reactions/kit
Storage: -20°C...